Best Practices for Employee Performance Reviews

Employee reviews provide a way to track employee progress, increase productivity, and ultimately keep employees moving toward attainment of goals. Methods may differ from one company to another, but the purpose of and principles of conduct remain the same. Follow these best practices and performance reviews will have a positive impact within your company.

• Create standard form for reviews, which includes job performance, goal setting, objectives, expectations, and accomplishments.
• Ensure your employees are familiar with how their performance will be measured – what standards against which you are measuring
• Give your employees sufficient time to prepare for the review.
• Commend the employee’s major efforts and accomplishments in the past year.
• Focus on the positive, but deal with the negative.
• Consult with pertinent staff who can offer additional insight regarding the employee who will be reviewed

• Allow interruptions to the meeting.
• Criticize something over which an employee had no control.
• Bring up “new” information. Staff should be told about good/poor performance when it happens. (Of course, it may be discussed in detail during the review.)
• Ask yes/no questions – instead ask open-ended questions that require a thoughtful answer.
• Talk more than you listen – reviews are a conversation, not a lecture.
• Make reviews an annual event: Taking the time for quarterly reviews ensure that employees get positive affirmation in the moment of achievement and molehills are dealt with before they become mountains.

A portion of every review should include a discussion of past goals and establishing new goals. General guidelines to follow include:
• Helping employee develop goals that are compatible with the organization’s goals.
• Setting goals that are challenging, but at the same time attainable.
• Setting goals that are specific, measurable, relevant, and time sensitive.

In general, reviews should focus on performance, rather than behavior, but there are always exceptions. Sometimes behavior issues arise between employees that must be dealt with, in an appropriate manner, during the performance review. Handle it tactfully, of course, but be specific and provide documentation.
• Specify the issue
• Provide specific examples – with dates if possible
• Explain the negative impact on coworkers, company goals, customers, etc.
• Restate the company’s standards
• Allow the employee to respond to the charge.

Performance reviews can be an excellent building tool for companies. They affirm positive performance, deal with negative issues, and helping employees to set and attain goals. Effective reviews increase employee retention, create positive company culture, and promote growth. Contact Springborn Staffing. We will match your Bangor or Portland, Maine company with candidates who winners at every review.

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