You’ve Made a Difference

As Thanksgiving Day approaches,
Our blessings we recall;
The things we are most thankful for,
We recollect them all.
You are really special,
In all you say and do.
You made a difference in our lives;
We’re thankful now for you.
Joanna Fuchs

Thanksgiving is a time to pause and give thanks, a time to spend with family and friends. It is also a great time to reach out and bless someone who doesn’t have family, friends, or even the comfort of knowing where their next meal is coming from. If you want to share from your abundance, there are many opportunities in Bangor and Portland, Maine area. Some examples include:
Preble Street in Portland provides in help and services to those experiencing homelessness, hunger, and poverty. They not only meet the present needs, they also find solutions for the future.
Manna Ministries are committed to the full cycle of assistance: Rescue, Hope, and Restoration. Volunteers and those who donate in the community are the people who make Manna Ministries possible our services possible. When those who are hurting come to Manna for help, they are coming to you.
Check out this link for a list of food pantries in both Portland and Bangor, and then donate a sack or two of groceries.
Any resident of Maine is welcome to visit the site for the purpose of finding a volunteer opportunity, making an in-kind donation, or participation in emergency response opportunities. Citizens can search for opportunities to volunteer that match their interests.

Take time to stop and look around you. There is always someone who needs a helping hand. The smallest gesture – even a warm smile, listening ear, a hot meal – can make a difference between despair and hope. As you give thanks for all that is yours, share a little, and give someone else a reason to give thanks.

Springborn Staffing is thankful for every client and candidate. We wish each of you a special day sharing good food and great times with the people you love. Please share how you made a difference on our Facebook page.

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