Yes, the scales have tipped, and companies are in a battle for attracting/engaging the top talent, but before you get too caught up in the excitement of a talent-driven market, ask yourself what qualifying factors add up to “top talent.” Just because you are looking, doesn’t mean you will be “bought.” Top talent includes a variety of skills, knowledge, and aptitudes, as well as particular personality characteristics. In addition to your educational degree and experience, top talent means you are also savvy in:
Written and Verbal Communication Skills
Do you have the ability to
• Lead a meeting?
• Present a power point making . . . your point with power?
• Write coherent, concise memos, instructions, etc.?
• Invigorate coworkers, creating a positive environment?
Critical Thinking Skills
Do you have the ability to
• Discern the problem, determine the solution, and effectively implement it?
• Collect relevant information, analyze the data, and turn it into an accurate summary that enables others to utilize it effectively?
Business Acumen
Can you apply
• IT skills to the big picture – understanding not only how technology works, but also how it applies to business principle?
• Intuitive financial understanding to the “why we choose this direction.” statements?
• Keenness and quick understanding in ways that lead to business success?
Project Management Skills
Do you have the ability to
• Create organization from chaos
• Project and manage a timeline
• Manage a budget,
• Assess the risks accurately
• Lead the group to a fruitful end?
Soft Skills
Are you
• Reliable – can your colleagues and management depend on you to fulfill your responsibilities – and more – on time?
• Flexible and adaptable – when situations change abruptly, can you adjust to the flow and make the most of it?
• A team player – understanding when to lead and when to follow, working well with others toward a common goal?
Connecting with Others
Do you tend to
• Create a positive culture?
• Inspire innovation?
• Move the team forward?
• Build your professional network?
Knowing how to do the job and having the training and skills to do it is critical, of course. But top talent is the whole picture – not a single facet. If you want to have the opportunity to choose between more than one dream position; if you want to enjoy the benefits of a talent-driven market, then fist ensure that you fit the scope and requirements of being that talent.
And when you do, bring that talent to Springborn Staffing. We connect top talent with top companies in Bangor and Portland, Maine. We specialize in it. Contact us today.