Last week we discussed the cost of a bad hire and how to deal with it when it happens. Today, as we promised, we will offer helpful insight concerning ways to prevent future bad hires.
Avoid the Typical Pitfalls That Lead to Bad Hires:
• Failed to look ahead and predict the need for a new hire.
• Moved through the hiring process too fast.
• Settled for less when it appeared that quality wasn’t available.
• Failed to conduct a behavioral assessment.
• Never checked references.
• Didn’t collaborate with an expert staffing firm.
Target Essential Soft Skills:
Regardless of the specific education, skills, and experience pertaining directly to the open position, candidates with these essential soft skills are more likely to seamlessly onboard and meld with the team, which encourages a solid landing and longer-term stay. Watch for evidence of:
• Communication skills – verbal and written.
• Problem solving skills – the ability to pinpoint the problem, determine the options, discern and implement the best solution.
• Leadership qualities – the propensity to influence others to better processes.
• Interpersonal skills – Team player, relationship builder, and conflict diffuser.
• Emotional intelligence – social skills, social awareness, and self-management abilities.
• Computer and technical literacy – practical skills and application of basic software programs.
Look for Positive Character Traits:
Like soft skills, strength of character plays an important role in how well a new hire performs and how committed he/she is to company loyalty. Discern the presence of:
• Integrity – commitment to doing the job well and taking the high road – not cutting corners.
• Trustworthiness: understanding and respecting confidentiality.
• Strong work ethic – a willingness to pull their share of the load plus a little.
• Self-motivator – takes initiative, sees a problem and finds an answer.
Consider Cultural Fit:
Choosing candidates whose personality, attitudes, flexibility, etc. complement your current staff will make a significant difference in the final outcome of a new hire. This is not avoiding diversity – diversity is good – it’s finding candidates who handle diversity and other issues in a way that supports the team.
Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits:
Research the talent market and ascertain that your compensation package is plump.
• Match the pay scale – plus some – for the position in your area. Choose broad boundaries – that way switching to a different company is not so readily simple, but requires transferring.
• Offer perks that include the flexibility that will enable employees to integrate work and life without creating mega stress.
• Offer a unique, but well appreciated perk – a gym membership, pet or child care, family days, etc.
Taking the time to ascertain that a candidate will be an excellent fit in the soft skills, hard skills, character, and cultural fit; and then compensating them with a hard-to-resist package will reduce bad hires and ensure company growth. At Springborn – we help companies do just that and solve the bad-hire mystery. We make a positive difference in your bottom line. Contact us today.