Going Out with a Bang!

Is 2017 the Year You Retire? Are you ready? Many people, blue collar and white collar alike, have diligently built a financial plan for retirement, but now that the time is near, money isn’t the focus of their thoughts. Instead, they wonder what they are going to do with the extra time? Will they enjoy retirement or be bored, depressed, and frustrated? What if they actually hate it?

The truth is, we need to prepare for more than the financial aspect of retirement. We need to evaluate where we are at and where we want to be – and then, set goals. Here are some steps to help you ensure that retirement is just as fulfilling – if not more – than your career.

Evaluate You
• What brought you the most satisfaction in your career?
• Was it the people or the tasks? The time alone or working side-by-side with a team?
• What were the most annoying aspects of your work? What did you promise yourself that you will never do again?

• What special projects have you been putting off until retirement?
• What new skills do you want to develop? For example, photography, hothouse gardening, golf, artistic ventures, etc.?
• What charitable activities, ministries, civic organizations, etc. need someone with your skills and experience?
• What trips have you always wanted to take?

Make a Plan
• Setting goals isn’t just for your “working” years.
• Prioritize your “dreams” list and then make a one-yr., three-yr., five-yr. plan.
• Will you need to take a class?
• What are the financial demands that come with your dreams? Do you have enough set-aside or do you need to work part-time for “play money?”

Consider Finances
• Learn the ropes of Social Security and pension plans – including supplemental health insurance.
• Build up your emergency fund.
• Create a cash pocket for basic needs until everything falls into place.
• Create a new “budget.” You might not need as extensive of wardrobe, but you might want more “fun” money.

Ease into Retirement
• Take your retirement in steps.
• Consider reducing your hours for a while before totally quitting.
• Organize a project before your final day, so you’re ready to tackle it before you feel lonely, bored, etc.
• If retirement includes a change of living quarters, work out the details ahead of time.

Don’t be intimidated by the unknowns – make your retirement years, your best years. And if you’re looking for that in-between position to help you ease into your retirement, come to Springborn Staffing. We care about you, your career, and your retirement. Contact us today – we have a match for you.

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