How’s Your Feedback Delivery?

Very few people like to give what in reality is “negative” feedback in work situations, but feedback – both constructive and positive is the life of a productive workplace. According to Zenger Folkman, a source for evidence-based leadership helps, 57% of people would prefer to receive constructive over all-positive feedback, and 92% agree that appropriately delivered constructive evaluation improves performance.

Administered correctly, constructive feedback increases employees’

  • Sense of learning,
  • Self-value and confidence, and
  • Competence

So…what is the correct way to share feedback in a way that motivates your workforce?

Here are 8 tips to help you grow in your constructive feedback delivery

  1. Prepare ahead. Take time to consider the best way to present an issue for discussion. Think about how you would like to receive the feedback if roles were reversed.
  2. Avoid delivering feedback in the heat of the moment – wait until emotions have leveled out and then discuss the situation – both good and bad. Encourage your employee to share what they think went right and what they think could be improved.
  3. Be aware of your body language, facial expression, and voice tone when you give feedback. Studies reveal that positive input given with negative tones and looks is less effective than negative feedback given with a smile and body language that suggests warmth and support.
  4. Ask questions that encourage self-assessment. When a project fails, ask your staff to tell you what they think went wrong, what they could have done different, and what they learned for the next project. If you point out everything that went wrong, it’s kicking them when they’re down and adding to their defeat. Giving them ownership of the “failure” builds their confidence and self-respect while helping them to find benefit in a tough situation.
  5. Rather than pointing out a weakness, demonstrate how that aspect of their personality can be converted into a strength. Ask your employee where he/she wants to improve and what steps they can take to accomplish it.
  6. Focus more on “how to move forward” rather than on “what happened yesterday.” Use the past as a learning tool to work strong in the present and encourage future growth.
  7. Don’t use “happy notes” to soften constructive feedback. Be straightforward in what went wrong or needs to change. Be equally straightforward with compliments. Employees recognize the difference between “false flattery” and genuine appreciation of their skills.
  8. Never stop with constructive feedback. Always follow through by noticing the positive changes your employee makes in response to your feedback. Take time to express your appreciation and praise.

Tips to improve your workplace is just one of the ways Springborn Staffing helps our clients. Best-in-class personnel solutions is our game, whether you need staffing service, payroll services, or HR consulting. As a locally owned and independent staffing firm, we work hand-in-hand with your team to develop solutions that work for your business. Contact us today.


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