An accurate job description documents the responsibilities, the competencies, and the skill/experience/education required for a company position. They are essential to evaluate work distribution, organize your departments, recruit quality, and set standards for employee reviews. Last, but not least, they provide documentation of legal compliance.
Purpose of Job descriptions
• Employee recruiting, orientation, training, and goal setting
Accurate job descriptions enable specific notifications when posting open positions. They help personnel recruit the right candidates and then narrow the list through appropriate interview questions. Once a new hire happens, accurate descriptions are essential for on-the-job training. They help both the new employee and his trainer understand exactly what the new hire is expected to accomplish.
• Establishing performance standards and giving reviews
A well-developed description gives employees guidelines to follow, sets a standard of performance, and helps them track their job performance goals and on-the-job progress.
• Benchmarking positions and setting compensation standards
Understanding what a position entails and how that position compares with like ones, helps to classify jobs and determine appropriate pay ranges. Creating equitable and competitive compensation programs depends on the existence of well-written descriptions,
• Meeting legal requirements
Finally, accurate detailed job descriptions are essential when providing proof of compliance with EEOC guidelines, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and other legal requirements.
Job descriptions clearly communicate your company direction and inform the employee where he or she fits inside of the big picture, providing them with clear understanding of your expectations. Taking all this into consideration, and realizing how much job candidates rely on a job description to get an understanding of what the company is looking for, it makes sense to develop job descriptions that are as accurate as possible.
Now that you have a clear picture of why, who should write them?
• Human Resources are responsible for recruiting, succession planning, training, and legal compliance. They are also responsible for maintain legal compliance. For these reasons, HR typically composes job descriptions. The persons who are presently filling the positions, however, should also have input as they have the “hands-on” experience. This is especially crucial when composing descriptions for skilled and labor oriented jobs.
• Update job descriptions once a year at a minimum, preferably more often in most cases. Incorporate job description every time you work on performance reviews, compensation planning, succession planning, and training and development. Once again, while the primary responsibility falls upon Human Resources, others should also remain involved
o Employees should compare the job description with their daily activities when preparing for their periodic review.
o Managers should evaluate the description accuracy as part of the performance management process and when conducting an exit interview.
In summary, accurate job descriptions clearly communicate your company’s direction, set clear
expectations, create a benchmark, provide a basis for hiring and firing, and provide legal protection. Contact Springborn Staffing for consultation on accurate job descriptions and new hires that match your needs in Bangor and Portland, Maine.