“Spring Clean” Your Work Life

Warmer temperatures. Fresh breezes through the house. Ah, the joys of spring. Along with this anticipated and oh, so welcome season comes that itch to clean, declutter, and otherwise rid oneself of the remnants of winter. This urge that surges energy through winter-weary minds and bodies can have a positive impact on more than just your home.

When the spirit of “spring cleaning” applies to one’s workspace and “work life,” this yearly ritual can usher in a boost to both morale and productivity.

Commence a work life/workspace spring tune-up with these strategies—

  • Organize your workspace

An organized workspace pays big dividends in a variety of ways.

  • Efficiency and productivity can’t help but improve when you know where everything is. Less time spent rummaging through piles, files, and boxes, will automatically leave more time and energy for productive work.
  • A tidy, everything-in-it’s-place work area boosts creativity and a get-it-done mindset. A cluttery, distracting mess induces frustration and procrastination.
  • A positive outlook is easier to maintain when the path to the desk, closet, meeting room, product area, etc., does not resemble an obstacle course. A sense of dread and disinterest often accompanies the very thought of returning to a workspace that resembles a war zone.

Whether you tackle the “spring cleaning” in one session, or spread it over several days, commit to persevering until the process is complete

  • Brush up on skills

Spring is the perfect time to get serious about adding to or refreshing your skillset. While the winter ho-hums can lull us into a cozy rut, let the invigorating spirit of spring coax out an honest time of reflection.

“In your average day, are there things that you wish you could do better? Are you always asking others for help with the same kinds of tasks? Does this gap in your knowledge ever leave you lacking confidence? If so, this is a great opportunity to brush up on those skills,” suggests Jeanne Croteau.

  • Revamp your daily routine to enjoy the great outdoors

Spending time outside is never more enjoyable than in the first weeks of warm weather after a dreary winter. Take advantage of the feel of the sun on your face, the scent of spring flowers, the warmth of the breeze. Before you lament the lack of time or money to vacation at the beach or cruise exotic waterways, remember that the benefits of the great outdoors do not require packing a suitcase. Enjoy a brown-bag lunch at the park or a lunch-hour walk. Stroll through the neighborhood after dinner. Round up the family for a bicycle ride.

Spring cleaning your work life can be a plus for any career. Sometimes it provides the motivation to make deeper changes – maybe even finding a new/different position. At Springborn Staffing, we’re passionate about your career. We’ve been helping people like you build a pathway to success for more than 30 years. How? We know Maine employers – really well – what kind of people they hire, what it’s like to work there. Often, we know about jobs before they are even posted. Contact us today and discover how we can “spring clean” your search, making it more streamlined and productive.




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