You hate your job, the boss is lousy, the pay is worse, and nothing you do makes a difference. You’re sure it’s time to change jobs or maybe even change careers. You may be right, but before you jump ship and find yourself in the same rut once the newness wears off, take some time to evaluate the landscape. You may discover that the majority of change needs to come from within.
Take an inventory of your daily schedule. Make note of your high points and the chores you dread the most. Now consider these questions:
• Am I doing the responsibilities I was hired to do or have I been gradually sucked into picking up the slack from others?
• Am I being productive – making the best use of my time – or wasting it on meaningless activities and social media interruptions?
• What can I change to get back on track?
Look for the significance in what you do – don’t let your job itself define you, but rather, how you do your job. Consider these questions:
• Am I actively doing my best?
• How do the things I do affect the big picture?
• Do I have a positive attitude about my work and a caring attitude toward my coworkers?
• What would I want me to change if I was my boss or coworker?
Consider taking on greater challenges or learning a new skill within the organization. Consider these options and talk to your boss.
• Are there other positions within the company more suited to my skills and passions?
• Will my company pay for an online class or webinar?
• Is there a certification that will help me reach a new level?
Refocus on why you are working. Yes, you need an income, but there’s more to the picture. Consider these questions:
• If my paycheck stayed the same no matter what I did, what would I want to do?
• Why and how did I once find satisfaction and fulfillment in this job, before I started focusing on the money?
• If the money really isn’t enough, what can I change in my spending to take the pressure off?
• Maybe it is time to change jobs, but maybe it’s just time to change my focus
Evaluate your time off. Don’t narrow the window of relaxation time by staying late and going in early or working through your weekends. Consider these truths:
• Pure burnout quickly erodes any sense of passion you might have toward your work.
• Taking time for family, friends, and fun rejuvenates you brain cells and energy level, allowing you to be more productive in less time on the job.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence – until you climb over. Sometimes, the only answer is a new job, but often the real answer lies within the job. If your problems stem from attitude, lack of work-life balance, failure to stay on track etc., you will simply take old problems to a new job and soon find yourself in the same dilemma. On the other hand, if you make the necessary changes within yourself, you just might fall in love with your job all over again.
At Springborn Staffing, we care about our candidates and their jobs. We help people connect to companies and positions they will love in Bangor and Portland, Maine. Contact us today for information on how we can help you.