Turning your Interview into an Offer – Part II

In our last blog, we covered the keys to acing your phone interview and the follow-up tools to help you receive an invitation for an in-person interview. Today we will share how to continue the process to interview perfection that clinches an offer.

The in-person interview:
You passed the phone call, and your in-person interview is scheduled.

Don’t get uptight – get ready:
• Research the company again and read the bios of anyone you might converse with in addition to the top brass. Make notes.
• Put together a copy of your resume and all other pertinent information, including examples of previous successes that substantiate both your hard and soft skills.
• Consider potential questions and plan your answers.
• Ensure that you not only know exactly where you are going but also how long it will take to arrive.
• Get a good night’s sleep, eat a light, healthy meal, and dress professionally.

At the interview:
• Be polite, respectful, and professional with everyone you come in contact with – from the building maintenance employee who happens to be in the area and the receptionists who welcomes you and sends you in the right direction to your interviewer.
• First impressions only happen once. Relax. Smile. Offer a solid-grip handshake, and maintain appropriate eye contact.
• Be attentive, refrain from fiddling, and listen carefully to their questions. Pause and consider before answering in a calm, well-modulated voice.
• Just as in the phone interview, follow their lead – whether they are laid-back or very formal.
• Never bad mouth a previous employer, workplace, or another person.
• When giving examples of past accomplishments, be cautious. Share pertinent information regarding your skills, while refraining from sharing details from past companies that should remain in confidence. They want to know that they will be able to trust you with their company secrets.
• Show some spark. Don’t hesitate to express why you are the best person for the position. Keep a mental list of topics, experiences, accomplishments, etc. that you want to mention and work them into the conversation when appropriate – but don’t take credit that belongs to someone else.
• At the close of the interview, give a brief cap of why you are the best choice, reiterating your enthusiasm for working at their firm.

The interview is over, but just like in your phone interview, your follow-up is crucial. Once again:
• Take time as soon as possible to write notes about your interview – what was said, unique points, common ground, etc. These will help you immensely when you are called for a second interview.
• Send a thank you – while email only was acceptable after your phone interview, a handwritten note is a must – it’s an opportunity to show how well you can communicate in written form. Thank them for the opportunity of an interview as well as their time. Restate why you want to work for them and why you are the person for the job.

And like before:
• Don’t overdo – express your thanks, and then be patient – if they gave you a time frame, follow it; if not, pay attention to cues to know ow soon you should call back.
• Don’t talk about interview details with others – treat it as confidential.
• Don’t immediately connect with the interviewer on social media.
• Don’t use an implication of other job offers as a persuasion tool.

Securing your dream position may be a challenge, but success is within your grasp. Of course, one of the best ways to secure those all-important interviews is to connect with Springborn Staffing. We listen to candidates and match them up with the right position in the right business or organization. Contact us today and find your niche in a Bangor or Portland, Maine Company.

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